Convex Decomposition

Convex decomposition algorithm for traditional rigid body pipelines. The algorithm decomposes a static mesh, a baked animation, or a skinned rigged mesh into a set of convex hulls. The method allows for the selection of the number of parts interactively after the decomposition, or automatically based on approximation error. The algorithm is robust to topologically broken (not watertight) inputs.

Quadric Decomposition

Quadric decomposition decomposes an object a static mesh, a baked animation, or a skinned rigged mesh into parts, where each one is an intersection of quadric (or planar as a special case) inequalities. Non-convex quadrics are optional. The decomposition results in a much smaller number of equations, compared to traditional planar convex hulls, and thus much faster collision calculation. The algorithm is also robust to topologically broken (not watertight) inputs.